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Joia - The ChatGPT for Teams alternative built for collaboration. Icon

Joia - The ChatGPT for Teams alternative built for collaboration.

Product information


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Joia is an alternative ChatGPT platform built for collaboration. Add your team members and create shareable chatbots and centralize.

Primary Task



    Collaborative AI ToolCost-effective AI ToolTeam Collaboration


  • Affordable pricing model based on tokens consumed
  • Support for various Large Language Models
  • Facilitates collaboration and sharing of AI Chat apps within teams


  • Potential learning curve for new users

Product Summary

Joia is a collaborative ChatGPT tool designed for teams to build and securely share internal AI Chat apps.

It allows teams to provide and monitor access to various Large Language Models such as GPT-4, Claude, Gemini, and more while ensuring data security and cost control.

Joia enables companies to give ChatGPT access to their entire team without incurring high costs, as they only pay for the tokens consumed, leading to potential savings of up to 70% compared to other solutions like ChatGPT for Teams.

Users can experiment with different models like Llama 2, Mixtral, or Google Gemini to find the best fit for their use case.

Additionally, Joia facilitates the creation of personalized chatbots for repeatable tasks, promoting efficiency and collaboration within the team.