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SMB Leads

Product information


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Search engine for SMB contact info

Primary Task

Lead Generation & Marketing


    Contact Information AggregationAI Data InterpretationData CleansingBeta Testing Discount


  • Comprehensive small business contact information
  • AI-powered data interpretation and cleansing
  • User-friendly interface
  • Early-adopter's discount for beta testers

Product Summary

SMB Leads is a comprehensive search engine designed for small business owners.

It offers a user-friendly solution for accessing accurate small business contact information.

The tool aggregates data from multiple reliable sources to provide extensive details on each small business.

SMB Leads stands out by simplifying the process of gathering data, eliminating the need for complicated scrapers and Excel sheets.

It utilizes AI to interpret the best email and phone contacts for each company, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in communication.

Additionally, the tool includes a data cleansing feature powered by AI, which dedupes results and cleans company names for better engagement.

SMB Leads also offers a 30% early-adopter's discount to beta testers, showing appreciation for their support and feedback.